The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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160 hours ago ish.

We left our hostel in Thailand at four and went to the airport. (Our flight leaves at 2 in the morning.)

159 hours ago ish.

We arrive at the Airport and then quickly leave again.

158 hours ago ish.

It’s Alex’s last day with us. He wanted to get team tattoos, so we are en route to a tattoo studio.

157 hours ago ish.

We are on a tattoo bed getting our Team name in Hebrew on our sides.

156 hours ago ish.

We say goodbye to Alex. This was super hard.

155.5 hours ago ish.

We drop our bags off and go through security.

155 hours ago ish.

We made it through, but our visas expired by one day, and because it was midnight at this point, it cost double because technically it had expired by 2. So, for a short time, I was an illegal immigrant in Thailand.

154 hours ago ish.

We get on a plane and say goodbye to Thailand.

153 hours ago ish.

I watch Big Hero 6.

152.7654 hours ago ish.

I am asleep.

150 hours ago ish.


145 hours ago ish.

We land in Ethiopia.

144 hours ago ish.

I was starving, but this airport was the priciest airport ever. A burger from Burger King was 20 dollars. So I buy a Toblerone.

143 hours ago ish.

We get on another plane.

138 hours ago ish.

We land in Johannesburg and have a 24-hour layover.

136 hours ago ish.

Me and some friends have Nandos for the first time.

135 hours ago ish.

Me and some friends found a craft store and bought wooden elephants that we could build in the airport to kill time.

134 hours ago ish.

We play soccer on the third floor of an airport and pray to the lord that the ball doesn’t fall off the balcony. (It didn’t)

133 hours ago ish.

We build our wooden elephants, and it takes for ever because we refused to use the instructions.

131 hours ago ish.

We go to dinner.

129 hours ago ish.

We set up our spot on the airport floor and hit the sack.

124 hours ago ish.

We wake up at three in the morning to go through security.

123 hours ago ish.

I am hungry. I find a bagel, I eat the bagel I enjoy the bagel. And gummy worms.

122 hours ago ish.

We get on a plane.

121 hours ago ish.

We get to Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. Our final destination.


We are here for a month. We are currently constructing a school. We also found out recently that we are heading to Lesotho next month to do who knows what. It is apparently very tribal, so that will be very interesting. The moral of the story is we are in South Africa now. Jesus is definitely needed here, and we are excited to continue ministering to this community that we have been thrown into.

Prayers are always appreciated.

Love you all.

Drew McKinney

P.S. We made a movie. Y’all should check it out.


5 responses to “160 hours ish”

  1. Praying for endurance for your whole team!! God is definitely gonna use yall for something big in South Africa!

  2. Enjoyed the rundown of your loooong travel to Jeffreys Bay and the movie. Praying for you and your team as you learn the ropes and minister in a new place. Saw Piers yesterday and he said you were now “in God’s Country”! Miss you and love you, janjan