The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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168 hours ago ish. 

We had the final worship session in Georgia before we left for a very long time.

156 hours ago ish. 

I woke up on the training center floor at the AIM base. Packed my tent and said goodbye to our cousin squad. 

146 hours ago ish. 

We got to the Atlanta airport for a flight to Turkey at eight that evening.

144 hours ago ish.

Our flight to Turkey leaves. 

134 hours ago ish.

We touch down in Turkey dazed and confused. I sleep on the Turkish airport floor. And I ate a fire, Danish. 

124.5 hours ago ish.

“Lady and gentlemen, welcome to Bangkok. It is currently 6:21 AM local time. Thank you for flying on Turkish Airlines. Have a wonderful day”

123.5 hours ago ish.

We have 7 hours to explore Bangkok until we need to be back at the airport. So I did. Me and some friend hopped in an Uber and went to a park, coffee shop, and a bunch of street markets. (And I got my tattoo worked on because it was looking jank.)

116.5 hours ago ish.

We go through security customs and all the fun stuff. Get on a plane to our final destination Cambodia. 

114.5 hours ago ish.

I can confirm teleportation is real. I was so tired by this point that the moment my butt hit the seat of that plane, I was out. I woke up two hours later and thought we hadn’t even left Thailand. 

113.5 hours ago ish.

Customs trouble. Love it. I wanted to die here; I was so tired. 

112.5 hours ago ish.

We get to a hostile. I take a shower and crash.

100.5 hours ago ish.

Ethan (our leader) wakes us up. Tells us we have 30 minutes to pack, and then we leave. This sucked. We were told that we were going to say goodbye to the rest of our squad, and then we would leave for our ministry. God had other plans, as he tends to do.

98 hours ago ish.

We arrive on the outskirts of Kampot. And we arrive at our home. (check my Instagram if you want a house tour @drwmcknny) 

94 hours ago ish.

We get the rundown of what we are doing. We are currently teaching English to Kids and also building a classroom for them. And coaching soccer on the weekends. 

90 hours ago ish.


78 hours ago ish.

We do our first ministry day. It is good, but we are exhausted. 

66 hours ago ish.

I buy a coconut with Ethan, and we drink the water. It is freaking delicious. 

62 hours ago ish. 

We teach the kids the letter S and play frisbee in the pouring rain.

50 hours ago ish. (which is actually this morning, so my math is screwed up somewhere.)

We woke up, and today is Sabbath, even though it is Friday. We got coconuts again and went to the market. We got dragon fruit and some weird fruit that we tried, but we have rested most of the day. 

I was trying to figure out how to explain the last week of my life. I think I picked the most confusing way to do it possible, but here we are. The point is we are now officially on the field. We are in Cambodia loving on kids, teaching them English, and playing with them. We are currently living on the school property, which means the kid’s bathroom is ours. So, we have kids in our living space constantly. We go to the market to buy breakfast every morning (we found a dope waffle lady.) We are currently very far from the other teams, which is very hard. It feels like most of our family is gone. But currently, there are seven white guys and a Puerto Rican living in a Cambodian house in the middle of nowhere.

Life has changed drastically yet again. But we are thankful to be here and look forward to sharing the love of Christ with these kids and the community around us. 

You can still be praying for team dynamics. We have minimal space and are the only people in the vicinity to speak English. Just pray that we continue to get along and that conflict is minimal. Pray for energy as we teach the kids and minister to them and the community. 

Thanks for everything

Drew McKinney

4 responses to “168 hours ish.”

  1. I’m so thankful you’re there and that ministry has begun. I know the Lord is working mightily IN you and THROUGH you. Praying continually. I love you so 🩵

  2. Thanks for the updates Drew! It’s not easy trying to describe all the new coming at you while you are still trying to make sense of it. The fact that the hours don’t really add actually seems pretty accurate in how travel like that feels! Thankful the Lord is before, beside, and behind you – your fortress and strength. Prayers!