The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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We have like two weeks left here. Which is both good and bad.

The good thing is we get to see the rest of the squad very soon.

The bad thing is we have become a part of this little village.

One of the teachers came up to me this morning and asked me, “When are you leaving?” And when I told her it was in three weeks, she said, “But you are coming back, right?”

This isn’t to say we are some stellar missionaries. We aren’t. Not on paper, at least.

We came in with no idea what ministry we would be doing. We found out about 8 hours before we got on the plane. We are not qualified to teach English by any means. We don’t understand Khmer, so our communication skills are generally lacking. We are a bunch of kids from mostly the American suburbs with minimal construction experience, so we have been able to help where we can, but we haven’t made a drastic impact.

This isn’t to say we have just sat on our butts doing nothing because we are constantly teaching or building a classroom or doing something to help out. My point is there are better alternatives that will get a better result than 7.5 white kids from America.

But I think there is a result that few people see, which is much more powerful than building a physical building.

Jesus emphasized relationships more than anything, which is why his ministry was so impactful. He prioritized eternal souls over things of this world that will fade away.

And I don’t think we even have this mentality consciously. But in my opinion, that is where we as a team excel. We constantly play with the kids, pick them up, toss them around etc. We have built super solid relationships with the teachers to the point where we can joke, and they come into our house and talk with us. We have established rapport with the older students as well, playing soccer and teaching them new games. Something I think we have done to the best of our ability is reflect a fraction of Jesus’ love to this village. This is why the teacher who came up to me was sad when I told her when we were leaving.

This applies to anyone reading this. If you want to leave a lasting impact on those around you, love them like Jesus. And most of us have heard it 1000 times, but it is true.

I impacted Paideia. For those of you who do not know, that is the school I graduated from. This is not me bragging but, to the best of my ability, trying to reflect. In my senior year, I had a 3.0 GPA on a good day. I am not good at school. I didn’t make an impact because I was smart or academically gifted. I made an impact because I chose to pour my time into the people around me (in particular, everyone younger).

Jesus doesn’t care whether you are valedictorian or not. He doesn’t care what job you have. Or honestly, whether you build a classroom for a bunch of Cambodian kids. So many things in this day and age are worthless without love.

Romans 13: 8-14

Thanks for everything,

Drew McKinney

P.S. Here are a kid and me, who I think is hilarious.

11 responses to “7.5 white boys.”

  1. So encouraging. We can all choose love wherever we are. Praying your last few weeks will be relationally impactful on everyone…the 7.5 guys and the villagers.

  2. This is my favorite one of your blogs so far, Drewber! You have your head in the right place.
    Much much love to you!!
    Praying for you always.
    Baba xoxoxo

  3. I think I am doing this twice. Love your blogs, Drew. Great way to stay connected. You are a very good writer! Sounds like you have made quite an impact on these children. Enjoy your last few weeks. Love you, Nana

  4. What you said about it not mattering if you are valedictorian, but focusing on pouring into others, really means a lot right now! I love you and all your stories!!!

  5. Just saw this bro. Amen and amen, if you’re still planning to come to utc next year i’ll be excited to connect with you 😊 Gods definitely on the move here too, can’t wait to see how he’ll use here you if you’re still planning on coming.

  6. Thanks for sharing brother, Jesus is AWESOME!!! So thankful how He is using you to build His kingdom!

  7. Drew,
    I see Jesus is what you write, in what you learn and absorb, but most of all in what you are doing and where you are! Those kids will miss you, but you in a short time have impacted their life forever, “ if you have done it to the least of these in my name, you have done it to me”
    God bless

  8. Drew,
    I’m just now catching up! So good to read how you are growing and changing and learning. And how you see what Christ can do through you…as long as we are willing to be used, He will use us! Your blogs encourage me to love those in my daily life like Jesus loves them. Thank you! Super proud of you and all you are doing…and it was good to FaceTime with you last weekend.
    Love, Aunt Lil