The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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For those of you who know me, I despise change.

This is ironic because I decided to travel the world with complete strangers for nine months of my free will.

So, as I sit on my couch approximately seven days from leaving, I am terrified.

But I feel like the Lord has brought me here for a reason so that I will take a leap of faith.

You may be wondering what those reasons are. As someone who hasn’t changed their wardrobe since 5th grade, how did I go from that mentality to wanting to embark on an adventure most would think is crazy?

I have always enjoyed ministries. In high school, I worked for an organization called Thrive, which focused on helping the impoverished kids of Knoxville. I have also always enjoyed travel and new experiences, which may seem contradictory to the feeling of hating change, but in my mind, both seem to be true.

I have always had a home. Whether that be Knoxville, Paideia, or my actual house, there has always been something solid that I was rooted to. So, even as I have branched out into new experiences, I have always been able to retreat to my “home.” And I think that is truly the scariest thing about this whole thing. In seven days, all my roots were cut off. Not to say I still don’t have a home, but from my vantage point, this is what it feels like now.

Changing subjects a little, if you have supported me in any way, whether you have been my friend for years, given to me monetarily, or prayed for me since I was an infant, Thank you. I am beyond grateful and am very appreciative of the generosity that has been shown to me. Regarding support, I am fully funded but am still tying up some loose ends regarding gear. But prayer is always appreciated. A couple of specific prayer requests would be.

  1. Pray that the group gels really well. We are all strangers and about to live with each other for nine months, so pray for all the dynamics that come with that.
  2. Pray that we have a true impact on the countries we visit.
  3. Pray for safety and good health. From flights to malaria, a lot could go wrong, so your prayers are appreciated in that regard.
  4. Pray God refines me to be more like him in the coming months.

Again, thank you. All of your support throughout my entire life has meant a lot.

-Drew McKinney


6 responses to “TBD”

  1. I am so profoundly proud of you and excited for you. I am continuing to pray Ephesians 3:14-21 over you…as I have all of your life…that you will be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. That is where your true roots are. May those grow deeper and stronger this next year. I love you dearly and will continue to be your biggest fan.

  2. I’m so proud of you and thankful for this opportunity for you. Continuing to pray Ephesians 3:14-21 over you…that you will know that Christ is where your roots are…dig deep into him.