The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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Training camp is done.

The first week felt like a month. And the next three felt like one week.

Strangers became family as we lived on top of each other and shared every moment with each other.

Some takeaways that I have learned from this experience.

  1. People who are truly in your corner won’t force you to agree with them. When I got here, I knew I had a different way of seeing Christianity than most people around me. My leaders and peers have embraced those differences, and we have debated and disagreed. And that’s okay, healthy even.
  2. I am not here forever, so I am going to have fun and make memories. Nana, you may need to stop reading. But a specific example of this is I got a tattoo. My friend was doing stick and poke with a sewing needle, so I told her I would get whatever she drew on my ankle. And I did. Life is too short to be a stickler and not take these opportunities to live life to the fullest.
  3. Discomfort makes us grow closer. Sleeping in tents. Eating honey and cucumbers and tortillas for lunch (yes, that is it). Having to do laundry in a bucket. All these things were difficult, but we did them together, and now we have a bond unlike any other, and we haven’t even left the country.
  4. God is bigger than I ever realized, and I am excited to see where this adventure takes us.

Training camp has pushed me emotionally, physically, and mentally. But it has been an incredible way to start this thing off.

Also, I am not in Georgia anymore. All the guys are currently building houses with Samaritan Purse in Kentucky. And we have beds and really good food, which is wild.

I appreciate all the support and prayers. I would appreciate prayers for the next week that our ministry is fruitful and impactful. And as we gear up to leave the country, that all of that would be smooth,

Thanks for everything.

-Drew McKinney



10 responses to “tents, tats, and takeaways.”

  1. No words. I love you more than words. So thankful for what the Lord is doing in and through you. In first…then through.

  2. Oh my goodness…I’ve never heard of “stick & poke” before, but I actually love it! It’s perfect. So thankful for you and all you’re learning. Praying as you work this week in Kentucky.

  3. Not a tattoo fan…generally…but I’ve seen a few I’ve liked. I like yours!
    And, I would love to hear how your view of Christianity differs from most of those there. Interesting.
    Praying for you always.
    Aunt Baba

  4. Tattoo goes tough.
    Glad the Lord has blessed you with such an amazing group. Praying for the group as y’all prepare to leave

  5. Loving your blog. It is great to get this peek into how things are going and at the end you are going to have a wonderful journal of memories. I am with your aunt Baba, would love to know where you differ with your friends. For the record, add my check to the like column on the tattoo, really cool! Not praying that God will be with you, He is, my prayer is that you are able to see
    what He is up to and be able to get on board. Enjoy the ride!!

    • Love you, tattoo and all. Be safe in Kentucky. I am with Elizabeth. Would like to know how your Christian views differ from those of your peers.

  6. I’m proud of you, Drew! And I like your tattoo. Sometimes we need a reminder of big things. God is doing big things in your life right now. Focus on trusting in the character of the one who created you, and you’ll find peace in his presence no matter the circumstances.

  7. Lala says, behave, learn a lot, write a letter once in a while and have fun. Lala said she is glad your tattoo is small and on your ankle…and it is kinda cute.

  8. Nice! It looks great.
    Loving your updates. Thanks be to God for the good things He is up to in and through you. We’re cheering you on!