The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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Our final day of ministry is done. We said goodbye to our Guatemalan friends and leave in two days. In the past, this has been sad, But the race moves so fast that it is easy to put the sadness away and look forward to the next adventure. And now there is no adventure that seems as exciting as what I have done. There is no bridge to jump off of, no village to pray for, or motorcycle to hitchhike.

This last paragraph is ironic because while it is true, it goes against everything I have preached to anyone who will listen. You don’t have to be across the world to live an adventurous lifestyle. You just have to choose to live the said lifestyle. The organization I am affiliated with (this doesn’t feel like the right word) is called Adventures In Missions. Their thesis, if you will, is living an adventure through the lens of being a missionary. This is a mentality, not a location.

But that is much harder to say than to do. And I am getting caught up in that fact. Can I truly live a wild adventure for Jesus In America? Will I even want to? I hope I will because I know this lifestyle is rich and fulfilling. But will I get comfortable again and not want to try? Because this lifestyle is scary, you usually have to jump off the cliff before seeing the bottom.

IDK, I am rambling at this point, but pray for the squad that we keep this mentality at the forefront of our minds always.


Love you all,

See you very soon.

-Drew McKinney

P.S. I know this one is kind of short; I have more structured ones coming soon.

6 responses to “That one song from fast and furious by Charlie Puth.”

  1. It’s a hard hard thing—thankful they have debrief and support thru friends/leaders walking thru similar emotions. Chatting with Bella about those things too. Love to your team!

  2. We are all anxiously waiting for your return to Knoxville, TN. You have been missed. I know this has been a life-changing adventure for you.
    We love you! Nana

  3. Drew — Mike and I have prayed for you throughout your adventure — from your updates and news from Jan-Jan and Papa. (You’re a great writer!) We will continue to pray for you as your adventure with Jesus continues wherever He might send you. In my experience, I have not had a moment of boredom living with His Spirit in personal residence — my heart’s ever-increasing knowledge and love of that reality has been, and is, a daily cliff-hanger!

    Love to you!

  4. Drewber, as I read your post, May 8, I’m sitting on my porch…getting ready for a morning of baking, cooking, then PT, then KOC appt, then Hill study girls over for our study, then to dinner to meet with DAI folks. Nothing adventurous. Regular life. That’s where most of life is. But living with intentionality, and trying to see all the places you are with an eye towards what matters in the end…that’s REAL life.
    Look forward to seeing you Drewber! Dan & I owe you a belated birthday lunch!!

  5. Well, I wrote a reply, had to answer something and it disappeared!! Think of what you missed!! Your words above are a daily challenge. We have to learn to Practice His Presence in the everydayness of life. Currently reading John Mark Comer’s book:
    “Practicing the Way
    Be with Jesus
    Become like him
    Do as he did. “
    It is helping me see apprenticing to Jesus with fresh eyes.
    You are introducing me to new music with your Blog titles: “Don’t let my soul drown in luxury” and this one from the Fast and Furious. Anxious to hug your neck and chat over a meal. Praying for your re-entry. Love you and just shocked that it is already May!!!

  6. It’s a mentality not a location.
    Is a beautiful true statement.
    Thank you for sharing your heart.