The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

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This week has felt like a month. People I had never met a week ago I would call family now. I look around the room at a bunch of kids on their computers and wonder how to put this last week into words.

This past year, I have harbored anger, bitterness, and hatred against basically anything that moved. That feels like it is finally going away. I think I really needed to be ripped out of my comfort zone and thrown into a completely new circumstance.

New doesn’t even begin to describe what my life is now. I am currently in Georgia, living out of a tent, going to sermons, and learning how to use my gifts to help spread the Lord’s kingdom. The squad has gone from strangers to neighbors to family in a matter of days. We have cried with each other, laughed with each other, and picked each other up when we have fallen. We have become a support system for each other like I have never experienced.

Spiritually there has been a lot of news as well. Let’s be honest: I grew up in a spiritual bubble. This isn’t good or bad. It is just a fact. Now that bubble has been popped. Cedar Springs has always felt like home, and Paideia was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I will fight for it until I die. That being said, this week has given me a lot to process when it comes to the bible. I look forward to diving deeper into the word and decerning the truth for myself.

Saturday night, I got rebaptized. The purpose of this for me was to reaffirm my faith for myself and to declare that this is now my fight more than ever.

Last night, a bunch of the guys shaved their heads. I feel like it represents this drastic change in my life. High school is done now. The Drew, who was a leader at Paideia and who shouted “grey and sticky” with Athanasian, is changing. This doesn’t make those experiences less important to me by any means. In fact, it only makes me miss them more, but it is time to grow and flourish. So the old hair is gone, and the new hair or the new Drew is just beginning to grow.

I feel that this trip will drastically change me and reinforce the things that make me who I am. It already has to a wild degree. Your prayers and support are always appreciated. Continue praying for the squad dynamics, health, and safety as we get closer to leaving the country.

Thanks for everything.

-Drew McKinney

13 responses to “Ya boy is bald.”

  1. Sounds like a pretty sig week to start you off on the race. I look forward to keeping up as you continue on. We need a pic of the bald guy, Ha!

  2. This makes me think of Colossians 3:9-10, “seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” Keep growing in that knowledge. Love you so much and I am thankful to hear of the things the Lord is doing in your heart.

  3. Drew, this is extremely well written and well said. I can’t wait to continue to be a fly on the wall as I watch and marvel at what God is doing in your life.

  4. Drew!! I love this all so much and I definitely want to see a pic of your shaved head! Stepping out of our comfort zone is always so hard but I know the Lord to be faithful and I trust he will be faithful in your life as well. He has so much ahead for you and I love you are embracing the new!

  5. I love this, Drew. Love you and pray every day for you. What a wonderful thing you have done to rededicate your life to Jesus at the beginning of this journey. He will be with you all the way.

  6. Drew,
    Yes God certainly has his hand on you, He is shed His presence on you for the greater good!

    I am so proud of you and what God is doing in your, and the squads life! I know you will go forth and do good things in His name!
    Prayer goes out dail for you and the team!
    Bee safe
    Love you grandson!

  7. Just now getting on board with your blog…beginning of year teacher stress…I know you get that!!
    So incredibly encouraging to read these words from your heart. Being stripped of all we used to be and stepping out in faith to discover what God has for us is hard! You are brave and strong and true. Praying for you😘