The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

Lesotho bet you have never heard of it. I hadn’t either until about a month ago. But that is where I currently reside. And to be completely honest this is the most beautiful place I have ever been. We are in the middle of a valley in the middle of no where. The mountains are all around us and the stars at night are wild. God went crazy when he made this place.

We are currently hiking to villages and telling people about Jesus and praying for them. Tomorrow we hike 2 hours carrying construction supplies to go to a remote village to finish construction on a church. And to minister to the village. We are staying there for week.

It is currently just guys right now. That has been good I have enjoyed getting to know the other guys from the other team better.

This one was short just an update. Blogs will probably be rarer becuase I have no service and WIFI is a 2 hour walk away. Sorry this was is so short I don’t got alot in the tank right now.

Love you all.

-Drew McKinney

8 responses to “Lesotho”

  1. Drew, great to hear from you and thankful for safe travels. Lesotho sounds beautiful and I love your descriptions. Praying for you and your teams as they minister and share about Jesus in these villages. Love you and Happy Valentine’s Day 🩷XOXOXO

  2. I love you drew! I hope you have a good week in the middle of no where, I’m always praying for you! Happy Valentine’s Day! 🩷🩷🩷

  3. So fun to wake up on a Saturday morning and find out your grandson in is the middle of nowhere. Your great adventure continues to unfold and how it is that you get to see these beautiful people in these gorgeous places. Relish the days, my friend, and a the grace and peace of Jesus sweeten the whole adventure. Will look forward to hearing more about this new place.

  4. Drewber, I have actually heard of this place b/c my good friend Gloria lived there for 3yr, and she describes it much as you just have! Enjoy God’s creation, and God’s purposes for you there! Can’t wait to hear more about this place, and always love hearing from you!!
    Aunt Baba

  5. Good morning!! I agree with Papa…. Waking up on a Saturday morning to find a blog entry in my email is the best!! I can’t wait to see pictures of Lesotho. I am praying for your ministry to those around you (both the locals and your teammates). But mostly I am praying for the way Jesus will minister to you. Praying that this month will be a time where space is created, your ears are opened, and your eyes can see what amazing love Jesus has for you. I love you,

  6. It is so good to have another blog from you. This phase of your journey sounds like it may be a little different from the others. May God hold you close during this time. I’m praying for you. Nana

  7. We love you, Drew! We’re always praying for you, and we love hearing about your adventures.
    Love, Aunt Sarah and crew

  8. Had some paideia kiddos this weekend and spoke highly of good ole Drew! Good to hear this word from you!