The messy, complicated, and illogical thoughts of Drew McKinney

These events took place about a week and a half ago. But they are being posted now because I got Wifi.

One of our primary missions in Lesotho was doing what we call house visits. Which means you rock up to a house and tell them about Jesus. Which sounds great in theory, but I don’t like them. They are awkward, and it felt like the community expected the script that we had, and then we would leave. And that isn’t how I operate I need it to be a conversation not a one sided speech.

But God worked through this. All in all, it was a good experience. We prayed for person after person and positively impacted each village we went to.

There are two specific moment I would like to share with yall.

  1. We get invited into a house that a brother and sister live in. The brother has been paralyzed for six years. He has laid on one spot on the floor for six years. His sister has fed him and taken care of his every need. We shared the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man. And gave general prayers. Then my teammate Malachi asked, “Do you ever feel like God is ignoring your prayers?”. And there response was “No God has been abundantly giving in all circumstances. Look outside. It is a beautiful day.” That is the definition of the Joy of the Lord. This response floored me. This man has laid in a dark room for six years unable to move and still praises God for giving him breath. This floored me at the moment because I was personally pissed with God for “not answering my prayers” and “being distant.” But the Man who has prayed for healing every day and hasn’t got it still finds a way to praise God. Perspective is everything the west has conditioned us to think we are the center of the universe and I fall victim to this mentality. Gods way is better and most of the time it contradicts our way which we think is my “ideal life”.
  2. This is the last day of ministry before we pack up and head to Guatemala. They need four people for house visits, and I did not volunteer. But one of my squadmates suggested we pray for who those four people should be. So we did, and two people said they heard the Lord say I should go. Honestly, I doubted it because I didn’t think I contributed much to house visits. And I was pissed again because I didn’t want to go. But I went, and they were all going the same until we got to the last one. And we sit down tell him why we are here and we say specifically “We are here to share the love of Jesus.” Then he looked me directly in the eye and said “How do you share the Love of Jesus?” This was the first question that we had been asked period the entire month. This was an answer to prayer I asked for a conversation and I got one. We had about a 20 minute conversation me and him. About faith and how to show love and I could tell he actually was understanding and processing what I was saying.

Point is God listened. And it didnt show up in the way I expected.

Love you All

Thanks for the prayers.

-Drew McKinney

6 responses to “Point is God listened”

  1. Hey Drew —

    I’ve been reading your blogs and am embarrassed to say I have a habit of introverted lurking but rarely comment. Just wanted to pike up and say I hear you and am praying for you. Plus, I loved your post. I have door-to-door “EE’” experiences (ask Papa and Jan-Jan) from the 70s and 80s when, I have to admit, though I always went internally kicking and screaming, the Lord schooled me when least expected.

    Love in Him,
    Paige Winck

  2. Love reading the stories Drewber!
    We’ve just finished Mission Conference, and the best parts, were the stories by the church planters-particularly Sam from Ghana, and Jonathan from Birmingham, UK. That’s where the Gospel comes alive…is in the stories!!
    I guess you’ve arrived in Guatemala by now!
    Ur going to have a happy mama tomorrow!!
    Love you! Aunt Baba

  3. Love how the Lord answered your prayer in a surprising way. I am eager to unpack this one with you when we can talk face to face. Can’t wait to see you in T-minus 41 hours!!!

  4. God always answered our prayers. Sometimes in ways we didn’t ask for.
    Enjoy being with your mom. She is sooo excited to see you!

  5. Drew,

    I am so honored you share this testimony, God reaches out to our request, sometime I in ways we don’t expect and or understand!
    He truly heard your prayer and answered by showing his love for you and this villager!

    To Him be the glory!
    So proud of you!